Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Balboa Park Dancing lessons.

"I am scared of making a mistake. "
" Well you just follow me and shut your eyes. I will lead you to heaven."
The above interchange occurred in Balboa Park Sunday evening. I had time to spare after leaving Old Town and the wonderful guitar music of Augustine. My buddy,Sam the Taxi Man, had invited me to stay with him in downtown San Diego. I had a couple of hours and knew the lessons began at seven thirty.
 Yet my breathing had been labored for a couple of days. The Mac Donald's on Park Blvd would give me some coffee to perk me up. It was going on six o'clock. I took a good look at my puffer and found out it had been on empty. I removed a brand new inhaler and gave my lungs two good hits. In a matter of minutes my bronchial tubes began to unplug the bacteria. My nose began to run.
  Well now, I couldn't wait to get to Balboa Park. I drove up Park Blvd and made my right turn on President's Way. Going on seven, a few couples already made their way to the Bay Ballroom. Three old spinsters.
   "I overheard one damsel remark that the way she handled stress is by cooking in the kitchen. For once I shut my mouth, paid my three dollars and sat down, that is until the pregame dancing began. A computer played several type of dances. Of course I took advantage of it and danced with a lovely oriental maiden." 
The first class began at seven thirty. Cupcake taught the beginners-that's me. The cute dimpled midget taught the fox trot. Fifteen men stood on one side and the ladies the other. Cupcake's easy personality made the lessons fun. We watched a few times. 
   "One, two, and touch three four." We needed to hesitate while our shoes touched each other. He then led us into a few other variations. 
   By that time almost two hundred had showed up Many took the intermediate and advanced classes with great teachers. Then I remembered what Cupcake mentioned. 
   "The men's bathroom is not working. You have two options: go to the third building to your right or give the Cactus bush a hose job." I did the second even though my pants took some of the burden. 
The lessons are only three dollars for members and well worth it. Before buying two hundred dollar dancing shoes try it out first. You will like it. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday's One O'clock Dance

Out of the corner of my eye, a beautiful face removed her shoes for white laced dancing ones.
   I had given Marty my three dollar donation and walked towards the nosh table. Another dry day made my lips parched and a cup of apple juice satisfied my thirst. My thirst gazed at the beautiful face on the south corner of the room. It was going on ten after one o'clock.  I
   DJ Marty played a polka and I went to the face. Well, she like me, no longer had the body of a forty year old. But them eyes. Wow! This one looked right at me and threw her body into mine. She was born to dance. 
   'You'll need to show me how?" 
   "Don't you worry, Uncle George has all of the moves and then-some."
   We danced a Tango and her bumpers hit mine in just the right places. I also danced with English Jane a few numbers. Like always Jane told me she "loved me". I returned to the nosh table and grabbed a few sweats. Something about the face told me to ask her again, since nobody else did 
    I asked the face her name. "My name is Jessie."
    "You speak perfect English. How did that come about?"
    "I come from just outside the Bakersfield area. Dad was a laborer and my parents had four kids." 
    "I notice you wear a ring. Are you married?" 
     "I was married for twenty two years, and long enough to have three girls and one boy. I have four grandchildren. My parents made us learn English. In fact the school I attended forced us to speak English. None of my kids speak Spanish, probably because I married an English man."
     "When did you get married?"
     "I married at eighteen years old and tried to keep my pregnancy a secret. They knew after all and it was all right since we got married."
    "I am going to a dance tonight. The Moonlight Sonata Band will be playing in Poway."
     "It is a bit too far for me but make sure you go to the Town and Country in San Diego during Thanksgiving. Over one hundred bands will play Dixieland music. I left early at two thirty 
 The one o'clock dance has become a habit with me. Wednesday's dance club his hosted by Marty and Shirley. It is off of Encinitas Blvd.in back of the Napa Auto Parts fixture in the front. Over forty seniors hear the sound of the fifties and sixties inside this dancing ballroom. Nearly anyone is out-of-shape or on the heavy side of thin. Most attend two dances a week. 
  This Sunday afternoon a fourteen piece band will play at the Lafayette Hotel in San Diego. I begins in the early afternoon. 


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ensinitas Wednesday's Dance

Off the rack. Yes Off the rack from Kohl's Department store I bought two shirts from the men's rack. My
Gal Gloria bought most of my clothes at the above store in Torrance a few years ago. It cost me twenty one dollars, yes that is all. I saved over $60.
   Napa Parts was having its usual Wednesday afternoon dance. The  ballroom is really in back of the auto store but Napa, off of Encinitas Boulevard is a good landmark to find the location. The dances begin at one o'clock and end at three.
   I removed my tennis shoes and replaced them with saddle shoes. My ex girl friend told me years ago that the mark of man is how his hair, shoes, teethe and clothes looked. The booster shot she had given me had finally taken.
   The air conditioner worked a bit better while I entered and were greeted by Kathy and Marty. It was like two offices buildings linked together. I placed three dollars in the kitty and said hello to Kathy and Mike who help to sponsor the noon-time dances.
    I had been told about this office ballroom a few months earlier and by accident dropped in a few months ago. I needed some parts for my old weather eaten Cavalier and  heard music being played in the rear of the  store.
    I walked inside and remained for two hours to recharge my batteries. Every gal looked to be in her eighties but those old years wore off the more I danced. They felt in their teens again, particularly English. Yes I call the wrinkled blond English since I had forgotten her name and am  embarrassed.
    English hold me so tight I feel like a she is tightening a bolt on my batteries. She gives me a look that says "I desire you" then in the next moment says "thanks" and goes to the next pony. Her heavy English accent makes me want to go to England shortly.
    I leave the DJ music and walk to the corner to drink cold punch and some  cut dried fruit chips. I find a small gal with a glowing smile looking for a partner. I tap her back and the little one turns around. My manicure her face and find she is only ten years old. She hasn't danced in a long long time, but her body language tells me there is more in store for me.
    I invite her and her friend for some happy hour food at D Street's  Bar and Grill off of the 101 Highway. They agree and we meet them. I find the Scottish gal well read and bread. We eat and talk for over one hour. It is the first time I have had two dates at once time. One lives in Vista and the other Oceanside.
   I needed to save some of my energy for Thursday afternoon. Balboa Park is having their dance and I will have another chance to feast on all the eighty-somethings who look just divine to me. There is also swing lessons and dancing on the roof of the New San Diego Library's Ninth Floor every other week.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Balboa Ballroom Dance Club

I've been a member of the Balboa Park Dance Club for about four months -- and has it paid dividends. It cost me twenty smackers to join for one year. Now I pay three dollars for Friday or Sunday lessons. Today's lesson were the quick-step and bolero. 
   Exhausted from a full day and preparing to relocate with my daughter in Los Angeles, I needed a relaxer. Instead of watching the Pacific Classic at Del Mar, my mind was set for two lessons I would brush up on the Quick-step and Bolero
   From the 5 south, I got off on Tenth Avenue and after three lefts found my way to Presidents Way and the parking lot on top. I hustled inside the Bay Ballroom and paid my three dollars. The Starbucks coffee would wear-off in one hour but my body needed to be saturated with music and dance.
   I chose Candy Cane to provide lessons for me. Besides, he always is a laugh and makes learning fun, The  beginning class is taught in the middle of the ballroom. On its flanks intermediate and advanced lessons are taught.
   "Will the men line up on this side of the room and the ladies the other...I will keep it simple tonight an teach you only two steps tonight."
    Candy Cane turns with his back facing us. My eyes dart to his legs and I try to concentrate. His moves are slow, and deliberate. That is exactly what I want. There are fifteen men alongside me.
    "Walk forward. One and two-and touch-and back, and now the same but going back one and two-and touch the other shoe before going back." Candy Cane labeled the moves Gloria.  His next step was a half twist and again with the left leg in front. That move he called Harry.
     Soon my troubles had been forgotten. In their place were a sea of gorgeous ladies in all shapes and sizes. I needed to close my eyes to focus on the steps rather than them. Not easy for me, since i have always been a ladies man.  Sweat now rolled down my back. I had forgotten my woes for a few minutes. With a move back to Los Angeles and my brother in the hospital, I needed to relax before returning to the El Loco Hotel.
   This week I will unhinge my legs for the Wednesday afternoon dance in Encinitas. Those dances begin at one and are over at three. The room is in back of Napa Auto just south of the street. And don't forget that Thursday's Balboa Park offers a senior dance every-other Thursday. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Town and County

I had a lot on my mind. Soon I would be leaving my cell at the 'Y' for a more forma dale one with my second daughter in Los Angeles. Mel was out of the hospital. his blood sugar caused his coma. The Titanic story had kicked me up a notch so I needed to vent my energy...Besides, I had a miserable date with one from Juarez,  Mexico. She just couldn't stop talking. Can you imagine spending fifty dollars for dinner? 

I wanted to take more two step lessons at Balboa Park's Bay Ballroom. I found it closed so I returned to Park Blvd and returned to the 163 Freeway. At the 8 Freeway I got off on Hotel Circle and promptly became lost...and that God.
   I found a free parking place at the Fashion Mall, just west of Penny's. From there I walked across a bridge to the hotel. I became lost but soon found the Trellises. The hotel restaurant has a duo playing there each Friday and Saturday, unless the venue is sold to a private party.
   "We begin promptly at eight o'clock and play until eleven." It was only seven twenty, so I had forty minutes to burn. I walked to the lobby and requested information about their November Jazz Festival when over one hundred jazz bands take over the grounds. I wanted to volunteer and maybe fill-in for a piano player.
    "Let me get you a card sir, and you can get the information. Also, the rooms rent for $150 today but next month come way down. Our season is over." The phone number of the Town and Country is (619) 291-7131, and for reservations it is (800) 772-8527. 
   I sat in the lobby for a few minutes and watched a clerk try to understand one who spoke in pig's English Most of these people came from all walks of life, but without knowledge of how to act or dress. At eight o'clock I went to the musical menu.
   The blond singer of three years ago was gone. Two piano players substituted or tried to. They played great piano music but there is no substitute for a blond singer. Without a singer the songs lacked soul even if in tune and roundly received.
   I paid my five for the small coke, well it was more ice than coke. The few gals who came in were nothing to stare at, but I wouldn't mind bringing a mushy date with me next time. I would gladly sing to her to make up for the lack of songster.
   i returned to my car and found Taylor Street that returned me back at the Old Town Commuter station. From there I took the Green back to my hotel.



Friday, July 25, 2014

Balboa Bay Club

About four years ago, I found my Garden of Eden inside Balboa Park. I was somewhat homeless then, but the Rose and Cactus Garden made me feel at home. A volunteer Rose pruner told me where I could get free coffee and a donate to boot.
   "Just walk over the Cabrillo Bridge and follow the path to the Prado. You can't miss the Senior Center. It is too your right, and you'll hear the loud chatter when you get there."  
    At the Senior Center, somebody told me there was dancing every other Thursday across the way across from the Hall of Champions and next to the puppet theater. 
   Yesterday I had my radar set to go to Balboa Park for an Hawaiian thematic dance. San Diego had been burning with another Red Flag alert. Now that the Bay Ballroom's A/C worked, I knew my lungs and legs would enjoy the dance. 
   But first I needed to grab breakfast at the nearby Scripp's Mercy Hospital. The hospital offers me fresh air and a nutritious meal at a fair price. I ordered the usual: sauteed spinach, lean bacon, and toast. It took me a few minutes to ride to the hospital and park inside the disabled lot. Again, the A/C and delicious breakfast, all for a bit over three dollars began my day.
     After breakfast, I walked to their library to brush up on the news. I read the New York Times and part of the U.T. The Chargers began their open practices today. I did some research on their computers and then it was time to go to Balboa Park.
     I drove down Fifth Street until Laurel arrived. I made a left and entered the Park. The Man's Museum was to my left. I turned right at the Prado Plaza and parked my car on President's Way's Parking lot. Across from the Bay Club sits the Hall of Champions. Inside to the right is a small coffee shop. I felt like a three dollar bowl of chili beans covered with chopped onions.
     At about 12 o'clock I entered the ballroom and took advantage of its corner piano. After playing a few songs, I entered the ballroom. A couple taught the fox trot. I watched and practiced the steps in my head: to the side, one, two, three, four and skip. Lift your left leg and and do a box step. 
    The music began to play. I danced with two Asian dolls. God neglected to provide them with a figure but their cute faces made up for it. I danced a few with Monkey and later with Giraffe. Monkey later sat in the back with me.
    Monkey was all bones. In fact there wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere, and no wonder, she was in constant motion. I have never seen anyone so nervous. Monkey told me her story just before break time.
    "I've got two kids, a boy and a girl. My girl does not appreciate all that I did for here. At least her husband does. I enjoy my grandchildren...Their husband abused me during our short marriage. He used me for sex only. I kicked him out after a year or two and worked as a nurse to make ends meet. She teaches school. I am proud of that."
    Just then I saw cat fish  stealing grapes, biscuits and cheese from several tables. You can't leave any food around for Peggy. She is all mouth and thin legs.
    "Why doesn't your daughter appreciate you?"
    "I gave her dancing lessons, sent her to college and did many other things for her."
     "Is it possible she did not bond with you and you thought that giving her things would cement your relationship."
    Not to bore you, I danced a few more with Giraffe and Monkey until my eyes began to shut. I hightailed it back to my barbecued Y.M.C. A. and napped. I will save my energy for Sunday as there is a dance between 3 and 5 at Convoy Street. It is five dollars at the door. Janice provides dance lessons for thirty minutes.
   The nice thing about Janice is she goes with the flow. I am a comedian and she not only allows me to joke, but makes a better one. Of course I joke since to forget the mistake I will be about to make and  hide my fears about the taking the lesson with me. I still get turned on at soon-to-be 75 years of age, so a joke now and then removes intimacy from my mind. Janice is a tall slim dark haired dame Not be to look at, if I may 
   Today I did not end up with a gal and thanks God. It was too hot to walk to the Prado for a Shirley Temple and some of those delicious Corn Shrimp with a humus spread. .