Monday, August 25, 2014

Balboa Ballroom Dance Club

I've been a member of the Balboa Park Dance Club for about four months -- and has it paid dividends. It cost me twenty smackers to join for one year. Now I pay three dollars for Friday or Sunday lessons. Today's lesson were the quick-step and bolero. 
   Exhausted from a full day and preparing to relocate with my daughter in Los Angeles, I needed a relaxer. Instead of watching the Pacific Classic at Del Mar, my mind was set for two lessons I would brush up on the Quick-step and Bolero
   From the 5 south, I got off on Tenth Avenue and after three lefts found my way to Presidents Way and the parking lot on top. I hustled inside the Bay Ballroom and paid my three dollars. The Starbucks coffee would wear-off in one hour but my body needed to be saturated with music and dance.
   I chose Candy Cane to provide lessons for me. Besides, he always is a laugh and makes learning fun, The  beginning class is taught in the middle of the ballroom. On its flanks intermediate and advanced lessons are taught.
   "Will the men line up on this side of the room and the ladies the other...I will keep it simple tonight an teach you only two steps tonight."
    Candy Cane turns with his back facing us. My eyes dart to his legs and I try to concentrate. His moves are slow, and deliberate. That is exactly what I want. There are fifteen men alongside me.
    "Walk forward. One and two-and touch-and back, and now the same but going back one and two-and touch the other shoe before going back." Candy Cane labeled the moves Gloria.  His next step was a half twist and again with the left leg in front. That move he called Harry.
     Soon my troubles had been forgotten. In their place were a sea of gorgeous ladies in all shapes and sizes. I needed to close my eyes to focus on the steps rather than them. Not easy for me, since i have always been a ladies man.  Sweat now rolled down my back. I had forgotten my woes for a few minutes. With a move back to Los Angeles and my brother in the hospital, I needed to relax before returning to the El Loco Hotel.
   This week I will unhinge my legs for the Wednesday afternoon dance in Encinitas. Those dances begin at one and are over at three. The room is in back of Napa Auto just south of the street. And don't forget that Thursday's Balboa Park offers a senior dance every-other Thursday. 

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