Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ensinitas Wednesday's Dance

Off the rack. Yes Off the rack from Kohl's Department store I bought two shirts from the men's rack. My
Gal Gloria bought most of my clothes at the above store in Torrance a few years ago. It cost me twenty one dollars, yes that is all. I saved over $60.
   Napa Parts was having its usual Wednesday afternoon dance. The  ballroom is really in back of the auto store but Napa, off of Encinitas Boulevard is a good landmark to find the location. The dances begin at one o'clock and end at three.
   I removed my tennis shoes and replaced them with saddle shoes. My ex girl friend told me years ago that the mark of man is how his hair, shoes, teethe and clothes looked. The booster shot she had given me had finally taken.
   The air conditioner worked a bit better while I entered and were greeted by Kathy and Marty. It was like two offices buildings linked together. I placed three dollars in the kitty and said hello to Kathy and Mike who help to sponsor the noon-time dances.
    I had been told about this office ballroom a few months earlier and by accident dropped in a few months ago. I needed some parts for my old weather eaten Cavalier and  heard music being played in the rear of the  store.
    I walked inside and remained for two hours to recharge my batteries. Every gal looked to be in her eighties but those old years wore off the more I danced. They felt in their teens again, particularly English. Yes I call the wrinkled blond English since I had forgotten her name and am  embarrassed.
    English hold me so tight I feel like a she is tightening a bolt on my batteries. She gives me a look that says "I desire you" then in the next moment says "thanks" and goes to the next pony. Her heavy English accent makes me want to go to England shortly.
    I leave the DJ music and walk to the corner to drink cold punch and some  cut dried fruit chips. I find a small gal with a glowing smile looking for a partner. I tap her back and the little one turns around. My manicure her face and find she is only ten years old. She hasn't danced in a long long time, but her body language tells me there is more in store for me.
    I invite her and her friend for some happy hour food at D Street's  Bar and Grill off of the 101 Highway. They agree and we meet them. I find the Scottish gal well read and bread. We eat and talk for over one hour. It is the first time I have had two dates at once time. One lives in Vista and the other Oceanside.
   I needed to save some of my energy for Thursday afternoon. Balboa Park is having their dance and I will have another chance to feast on all the eighty-somethings who look just divine to me. There is also swing lessons and dancing on the roof of the New San Diego Library's Ninth Floor every other week.

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