Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Balboa Park Dancing lessons.

"I am scared of making a mistake. "
" Well you just follow me and shut your eyes. I will lead you to heaven."
The above interchange occurred in Balboa Park Sunday evening. I had time to spare after leaving Old Town and the wonderful guitar music of Augustine. My buddy,Sam the Taxi Man, had invited me to stay with him in downtown San Diego. I had a couple of hours and knew the lessons began at seven thirty.
 Yet my breathing had been labored for a couple of days. The Mac Donald's on Park Blvd would give me some coffee to perk me up. It was going on six o'clock. I took a good look at my puffer and found out it had been on empty. I removed a brand new inhaler and gave my lungs two good hits. In a matter of minutes my bronchial tubes began to unplug the bacteria. My nose began to run.
  Well now, I couldn't wait to get to Balboa Park. I drove up Park Blvd and made my right turn on President's Way. Going on seven, a few couples already made their way to the Bay Ballroom. Three old spinsters.
   "I overheard one damsel remark that the way she handled stress is by cooking in the kitchen. For once I shut my mouth, paid my three dollars and sat down, that is until the pregame dancing began. A computer played several type of dances. Of course I took advantage of it and danced with a lovely oriental maiden." 
The first class began at seven thirty. Cupcake taught the beginners-that's me. The cute dimpled midget taught the fox trot. Fifteen men stood on one side and the ladies the other. Cupcake's easy personality made the lessons fun. We watched a few times. 
   "One, two, and touch three four." We needed to hesitate while our shoes touched each other. He then led us into a few other variations. 
   By that time almost two hundred had showed up Many took the intermediate and advanced classes with great teachers. Then I remembered what Cupcake mentioned. 
   "The men's bathroom is not working. You have two options: go to the third building to your right or give the Cactus bush a hose job." I did the second even though my pants took some of the burden. 
The lessons are only three dollars for members and well worth it. Before buying two hundred dollar dancing shoes try it out first. You will like it. 

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