Friday, July 25, 2014

Balboa Bay Club

About four years ago, I found my Garden of Eden inside Balboa Park. I was somewhat homeless then, but the Rose and Cactus Garden made me feel at home. A volunteer Rose pruner told me where I could get free coffee and a donate to boot.
   "Just walk over the Cabrillo Bridge and follow the path to the Prado. You can't miss the Senior Center. It is too your right, and you'll hear the loud chatter when you get there."  
    At the Senior Center, somebody told me there was dancing every other Thursday across the way across from the Hall of Champions and next to the puppet theater. 
   Yesterday I had my radar set to go to Balboa Park for an Hawaiian thematic dance. San Diego had been burning with another Red Flag alert. Now that the Bay Ballroom's A/C worked, I knew my lungs and legs would enjoy the dance. 
   But first I needed to grab breakfast at the nearby Scripp's Mercy Hospital. The hospital offers me fresh air and a nutritious meal at a fair price. I ordered the usual: sauteed spinach, lean bacon, and toast. It took me a few minutes to ride to the hospital and park inside the disabled lot. Again, the A/C and delicious breakfast, all for a bit over three dollars began my day.
     After breakfast, I walked to their library to brush up on the news. I read the New York Times and part of the U.T. The Chargers began their open practices today. I did some research on their computers and then it was time to go to Balboa Park.
     I drove down Fifth Street until Laurel arrived. I made a left and entered the Park. The Man's Museum was to my left. I turned right at the Prado Plaza and parked my car on President's Way's Parking lot. Across from the Bay Club sits the Hall of Champions. Inside to the right is a small coffee shop. I felt like a three dollar bowl of chili beans covered with chopped onions.
     At about 12 o'clock I entered the ballroom and took advantage of its corner piano. After playing a few songs, I entered the ballroom. A couple taught the fox trot. I watched and practiced the steps in my head: to the side, one, two, three, four and skip. Lift your left leg and and do a box step. 
    The music began to play. I danced with two Asian dolls. God neglected to provide them with a figure but their cute faces made up for it. I danced a few with Monkey and later with Giraffe. Monkey later sat in the back with me.
    Monkey was all bones. In fact there wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere, and no wonder, she was in constant motion. I have never seen anyone so nervous. Monkey told me her story just before break time.
    "I've got two kids, a boy and a girl. My girl does not appreciate all that I did for here. At least her husband does. I enjoy my grandchildren...Their husband abused me during our short marriage. He used me for sex only. I kicked him out after a year or two and worked as a nurse to make ends meet. She teaches school. I am proud of that."
    Just then I saw cat fish  stealing grapes, biscuits and cheese from several tables. You can't leave any food around for Peggy. She is all mouth and thin legs.
    "Why doesn't your daughter appreciate you?"
    "I gave her dancing lessons, sent her to college and did many other things for her."
     "Is it possible she did not bond with you and you thought that giving her things would cement your relationship."
    Not to bore you, I danced a few more with Giraffe and Monkey until my eyes began to shut. I hightailed it back to my barbecued Y.M.C. A. and napped. I will save my energy for Sunday as there is a dance between 3 and 5 at Convoy Street. It is five dollars at the door. Janice provides dance lessons for thirty minutes.
   The nice thing about Janice is she goes with the flow. I am a comedian and she not only allows me to joke, but makes a better one. Of course I joke since to forget the mistake I will be about to make and  hide my fears about the taking the lesson with me. I still get turned on at soon-to-be 75 years of age, so a joke now and then removes intimacy from my mind. Janice is a tall slim dark haired dame Not be to look at, if I may 
   Today I did not end up with a gal and thanks God. It was too hot to walk to the Prado for a Shirley Temple and some of those delicious Corn Shrimp with a humus spread. .

1 comment:

  1. I miss one of the regulars. Like many, she suffered with the Big A or Alzheimer's Disease. Jane grew up in Alaska where the sun never shines and fruit needs to be planed in.
