Friday, April 24, 2015

The Thursday They Balboa Park Dance

   It felt good to leave the Encinitas Senior Center and go to my Thursday Balboa Park Senior dance. It meats on the first or third Thursday each month - unless another Balboa Park activity takes priority. There is a three dollar donation. 
  I get off the 5 freeway going south on Tenth Avenue. A left at the first light and another at the second takes me to Park Blvd. From there a left turn will take you to President's Way where another left will take you to the Balboa Bay Club
  Today I got there early and had the usual at the Hall of Champions across the street - a bowl of chili with onions a slice under four dollars at their little cafe. I watched for of the building T.V.'s before heading across the street for my one o'clock ballroom dance. It used to be called the Federal building and houses the All Star jersey of my man Schindler.
   Steve, a steady volunteer approaches me. I left the piano early as it needed its a-key fixed. 
  "George, do me a favor. A new gal sitting over there at table 2 needs a dancing partner. Can you ask her for a dance?"
  I grab a cup of water from the coffee and water table and sit. The only new dame is tall with black hair. I walk over and tap her shoulder. 
  "Would you..'Well I haven't danced in a long time.' she responds to my fragmented sentence. She wears a head scarf and is tall. I lead the hesitant damsel to the dance floor and give her a quick look. "Not bad" I say to myself. "Not bad at all". 
   She looks down at my shoes to find her way on the dance floor. She tells me her name is Wong and she has just retired from Microsoft. She has a slim and well formed torso. I love the feel of her back although I am strictly a foot-man myself 
   "Now don't look at my feet. Look at me! Like most dances, you need to count to three." Her eyes remain on my feet but I count to three. "One-two-three, one-two-three." with each number she attempts a step and after a minute, she is waltzing to the tune. She confesses. 
   "My husband does not dance - at all. I've worked my entire life and now I need a little more in my life. I retired two years ago. 
   "Well my lass, the Balboa Bay Dancers offers lessons on Friday and Sunday early evening-right here. The first lesson begins at seven and the next at about Seven 50. This Sunday will be the quick-two step and the rumba...Look at the internet for the dances coming up.
  I told Glenda we could meet there next week. It felt so good to dance with one so cute and with a firm body at that. I left early to take pictures of a cut-out of Charles Lindbergh at the Air and Space Museum up the way. A member of the museum took a picture of me beside the Spirit of St. Louis. 
  But I did not wish to rush back to the Carlsbad Six during rush hour. I took the Hawthorne off which led me to Lindbergh Field. I parked - free of charge a the Harbor Marina and bought myself a chocolate cone with coffee to boot. 
  I walked to the Sheraton and made myself at home reading a book about Lindbergh.
  As you can tell, I never know what will happen each day except I will have a ball. This Sunday there is another dance .A swing band will be playing at the Queen Bee's on Ohio Street. The music begins at two and there is a ten dollar admission fee to boot 

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